Colleen Moore
Biography, Images
and Notes

In Appreciation
of the
Silent Film Actress
The Early History
of American
Motion Pictures
About the site
This is perhaps the third or forth version of this site, The last version vanished for unexplainable reasons. The site was never finished, but nevertheless I think there should be a web presence dedicated to Colleen, She was an important actress and trend-setter who not only helped establish both the influence of Hollywood over the imagination of America and the world, but also made it possible for a young woman to live an independent life without it being viewed as a threat to society.
My book on Colleen, Colleen Moore; A Biography of the Silent Film Star, was published in 2014. As most of the book came directly from earlier versions of the Colleen Moore Project, I think it's only fitting I reconstruct this new site using materials and photos from the book.